German Slang Workshop

Ever wanted to blend in seamlessly while chatting with locals in Germany? Join our ESN German Slang Workshop! Whether you're planning your weekend with friends or recounting last night's epic party, this workshop will equip you with commonly used slang expressions to impress your fellow Germans.

Requirement: Basic knowledge of the German language (Level A1 or higher) is required to fully engage in the exercises.

📆 When: Tuesday, October 10 🕗 17:00
📍 Where: Saarland University, KHG Seminar Raum A3.1, 66123 Saarbrücken
😎 Who can participate: anybody
‼️ Registration is mandatory

P.S. Bonus: Receive a cool participation certificate as a token of your achievement! 🎉
🔥 What are you waiting for? Secure your spot now! Register through the link in our bio. ✍️

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Saarland University, KHG Seminar Raum A3.1
66123 Saarbrücken

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