Board game night

Finally finished working so hard for the exams and papers?
Let's dedicate an evening to connect and play some games while having interesting chats with awesome people. On April 4th, we will have a cozy get-together during which you will not only have the chance to get to know a variety of games but also lots of new people.
We are looking forward to see you and have fun playing games! You can also bring your favorite games that you would like to play!

📆 When: Tuesday, April 4 🕗 17:00
📍Where: Saarland University, E1.7 room 001
😎 Who can participate: everyone

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Saarland University, building E1.7 room 001
66123 Saarbrücken

When does the event happen?
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