Hi dear students!

With the semester coming to an end, while fulfilling our duties, we all may start to think to future projects as well

Maybe in the future you wanna apply for internships, jobs, or whatever other nice experience just waiting for you to be discovered: And is there a nicer way than starting to brainstorming it together, receiving tips from students that maybe have experienced the road before you did?

This is what this event is about: You will find some volunteers, which already some working experiences, who already passed through the long way of building up a CV, applying, et cetera et cetera. Specifically, our speakers will exchange with you tips on:
- CV: How to
- Application processes: Which can suit me better?
- Which mood should I feed to not get discouraged - which can normally happen?

Join us in this interesting and chill exchange, and remember to sign up!

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Theodor-Adorno-Platz, Campus Westend

When does the event happen?
Add to Calendar


Regular ticket
