Hello everyone!😁
Exams and essays coming up, you want to have a break?😫
Then join us for a relaxing Sauna Break! 🤩
The Drop-In Sessions at Rune Sauna are the simpliest way to experience a Sauna! Come with your friends, bring your stuff and have a sweat for one hour with the sauna community of Kiel, you wont regret it! 😁
After a good sweat we all jump quickly into the water and maybe later you want to join us for a delicious Sandwich & Chips meal so you can feel fully recovered 😎
Saturday 13. of January, at 2:45pm-4pm
Düsternbrooker Weg 46, 24105 Kiel,
It's located on the property of the Kieler Kanu-Klub. Next to the Sailingcamp 24/7, Moby and the public swimming area in the Förde
What do you need to bring?🤔
Please bring your own swimsuit, a towel and also bring a padlock and you'll have your delicate stuff safe and sound at the lockers provided by them.
We're excited to see you there!🤩
When does the event happen?
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