House of Banksy

Until the end of February there will be an exhibition of the famous artist Banksy 👨🏽‍🎨
It is the biggest show called “House of Banksy - An Unauthorised Exhibition“ with over 200 pieces.
All the texts besides the pictures will be in German and English.

So let’s check it out together ☀

WHEN? Thursday 6th of February at 14.45

WHERE? Kiel Hbf at the corner from Espresso House inside the building

We will take the train at 15.02, so don’t be late 😉

The spots are limited and the booking will only be possible until the 30th of january :)

When does the event happen?
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Ticket without ESN Card

This events includes the entry into the exhibition.

13 currently available



Ticket with ESN Card

This event inlcudes the entry into the exhibition.

13 currently available


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