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Hygiene Policy

Please consider, that the English version is not legally binding but should not differ from the German version in what it says.

Hygiene Policy

i.S.d. § 4 Absatz 1 Landesverordnung zur Bekämpfung des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 für Gruppenangebote im Rahmen des SGB XI

All events within the scope of this hygiene concept of ESN Kiel must take place outside of closed rooms.

Events inside closed rooms shall not be organized.

1. Limiting the number of participants and maintaining the distance requirement

  1. Participation in the events is only permitted after prior registration. This is done via the "Pretix" platform. By registering, all participants declare their agreement with this hygiene concept.
  2. The number of participants is limited to 10, including the group leader(s). The limitation is intended to ensure that the minimum distance of 1.5 meters is maintained between those present.
  3. Physical contact between the participants is to be avoided, and physical contact between participants and group leaders is to be limited to the minimum necessary.
  4. If activities leading to increased aerosol emissions are carried out, the minimum distance of 1,5 meters to other persons must be maintained.

2. Control of visitor flows

People who have not registered beforehand, are not allowed to take part in the event.

3. Personalized individual measures

  1. Persons with respiratory and other disease symptoms are to be refused participation in the group offer. Persons who have been in contact with people who have become ill or patients with proven Corona infection in the last 14 days are also excluded from participation.
  2. Group leaders and participants should always wear a mouth-and-nose cover, if their state of health permits.
  3. For group instructors and participants, the applicable protective measures and rules of conduct (including general rules of infection protection such as coughing and sneezing etiquette, thorough hand hygiene, distance regulation, etc.) must be indicated by verbal instructions and notices in the event announcement.
  4. All persons must disinfect their hands before taking part in group offer. Suitable disinfectant dispensers will be provided by the provider of the group offer.
  5. Contact data of all persons present at the group offer will be collected during registration for the purpose of tracing chains of infection in compliance with data protection regulations and stored for a period of 6 weeks; after the storage period has expired, the data will be deleted immediately.

4. In general:

  1. A person must be appointed on site to ensure compliance with the regulations.
  2. Persons who are not prepared to comply with these rules are to be denied access within the framework of the house rules. In case of disregard of the hygiene rules during the event, ESN Kiel reserves the right to cancel the event prematurely or to exclude those present from further participation.
  3. All persons are asked to observe the rules of distance and hygiene outside the group offers and to limit contacts with other persons to a necessary minimum.