This week is the week of the legedary bowling event or like Walter Sobchak said: „Fuck it, Let’s go Bowling!🎳 “. If you feel like smashing some pins and landing some strikes this is your place to be! We will meet up at 7pm on Friday (5.11) at Champs bowling! Hope to see you there!🥳

One ticket costs 5€ per person and has to be paid in advance. If you have any problems with payment, please contact us or ask a friend if they may be able to pay for you online. If you have ordered/purchased a ticket but cannot attend the event, please cancel your order at least 24 hours in advance.

As always: The group consists of a maximum of 21 people: 18 regular students + 3 ESNers. With this limitation of participating members, we are trying to keep the infection potential to a minimum.

Please note that it´s mandatory to carry a negative SARS CoV-2 test result with you during the event. The test result can´t be older than 24 hours. If you are fully vaccinated or recovered from COVID, you don‘t need to bring a test, but proof of one of those two things mentioned. If you have any questions regarding our event policy or where to get a test from, please don´t hesitate to contact us!

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? ChampsBowling Kiel: Kaistraße 54, 24114 Kiel

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This event costs 5€.



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