Code of Conduct

1. Preamble

As participants of the Erasmus Student Network Deutschland e.V. (hereinafter: ESN Germany), all members of the members undertake to contribute to the enrichment of society through intercultural exchange and through understanding of all peoples and cultures. The organisation of numerous regional as well as national networking events specifically promotes the exchange of information on a national level. In order to achieve the above-mentioned goal, all members are bound by this document. In this document, the umbrella organisation ESN Germany sets out the rules of conduct that apply in the situations described below.

2. Scope of application

This Code of Conduct applies as soon as a member of a member or a guest moves in the environment of ESN Germany. This includes physical meetings and all communication platforms as soon as the contact takes place due to tasks for ESN Germany.

3. Principles of behaviour

We respect each person's space, no matter how large, and recognise that each individual has a different sense of human closeness. We condemn all forms of physical assault; permissiveness and certain behaviours are not an invitation. We condemn all forms of psychological and physical violence. This includes all statements, actions and attitudes that insult, belittle or overburden a fellow human being and make him or her feel worthless. We condemn all forms of discrimination according to Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We alone are responsible for our behaviour, drugs and other external influences must not be an excuse. We maintain an open, factual, transparent, inclusive and honest discourse without aggression. We encourage and demand respectful, helpful and empathetic interaction at all times and take responsibility for the welfare of others. We treat the property and possessions of others with care, concern and responsibility. We are aware of the potential liability for intentional and negligent damage.

4. Contact persons

During all regional and national events in the network of ESN Germany, a team of at least two ombudspersons shall be provided, during regional events at least one ombudsperson. These ombudspersons are to be selected by the association's board from all members of the association's bodies and the alumni network who are present. Ideally, a gender balance should be ensured. The ombudspersons are to be confirmed by all participants at the beginning of an event. In the event of a violation of this code, even outside of events, the incident can be reported to The email transmission is confidential and will only be seen by the President of the Network and the Chair of the Audit Board.

5. Prosecutions of violations

In the event of breaches of the Code, the following steps may be taken:

● Reminding participants of their obligation to act in accordance with the Code of


● Initiation of a discussion with both sides, as well as elaboration of a solution strategy.

In addition, the following consequences can be expected:

● Warning

● Exclusion from events of ESN Germany

● Exclusion from the national level of ESN Germany, including participation in the German delegation at international events of ESN AISBL, and exchange of information at national level

● Informing the next higher level of ESN AISBL about the incident.