ESN at Freiburger Museumsnacht

Freiburger Museumsnacht
Saturday, 23/07/2022

20:00 Uhr at Augustinerplatz (Säule der Toleranz)

Costs: 5€ with ESNcard, 8€ without ESNcard

Discover the museums in Freiburg at night! On Saturday, 23/07, a lot of museums offer an interesting program including concerts, performances, guided tours and exclusive insights. Beginning is at the Augustinermuseum and from there we can go to other museums, for example the Museum für Neue Kunst, Museum Natur und Mensch, Colombischlössle…
The event is wheelchair accessible.

We look forward to seeing you!
Your ESN Freiburg e.V. team

During the event, pictures will be taken. These pictures might be put online and used for ESN related purposes. If you do not want to appear on those pictures, please approach one of the event’s organisers at the beginning of the event.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Augustiner Platz, Freiburg

When does the event happen?
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Ticket without ESNcard

0 currently available
