ESN goes to Freiburg American Football festival

We hope you are enjoying the summer. We want to invite you to visit an american football game of the Freiburg Sacristans.
It will be a big party togehther with a DJ and a Fan zone. The game takes place at the Seeparstadion right on the other side of the lake at Stusie. We expect it to be a great party with a lot of clashes.

The regular ticket costs 8€, for students 5€.

Finish reading the information before clicking the link if you don't speak german :)
You have to buy the tickets yourself via this link:

It is in german, there are two types of ticket, so called Vollzahler, which means regular ticket. And so called Ermäßigt tickets, which means reduced price, which is for students.
The "Gratis" tickets on the website for 0€ are for kids less than 10 years old or members of the club, so these don`t apply to you :)

Don't forget to buy your ticket there and we would also appretiate if you register here at ESN, so we know about how many people are coming.

When: 21.06.2024 2pm
Where: Seepark Stadium (Behind the watchtower at the Flückiger See:
Cost: Students 5€, regular 8€

We are looking forward to seeing you

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Seeparkstadion, Siedlerstr. Freiburg

When does the event happen?
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This event is for free. Please feel free to register but please do cancel your order if you can't come in case we have a limited amount of participants.
