Join us to the second biggest but first best Octoberfest in Germany! You might have heard of the Wiesn in Munich but brace yourself for the Wasen in Stuttgart where the people are nicer and the bear is cheaper! After a visit to the historic centre of Stuttgart we'll start our Wasen evening at 5 with a FREE MASS (if we are among the first 500 Students to arrive) at the student night in one of the biggest festival tents at the Wasen with hundreds of other students and erasmi from other sections. There we can enjoy German festival beer, pork dishes and dancing on the benches and make a picture with the Wasenhasi until our departure with the bus at 22:30. You can find more Information about the Wasen on their homepage:
Where does the event happen? Mercksplatz, Darmstadt (
When does the event happen?
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