Herzlich Willkommen beim Erasmus Student Network Braunschweig e.V. (ESN). ✨
Im Rahmen dieses Workshops geben wir euch einen Überblick darüber, wer wir sind und was das Buddy Programm ist. Ihr erfahrt, was potenzielle Aufgaben sind, an welchen coolen Events ihr teilnehmen könnt, wie viel Zeit ihr mitbringen müsst und wer euch bei Fragen weiterhelfen kann. 🎉
Egal ob TU-, HBK-. Ostfalia Student*in, Doktorand, bereits Young Professional oder was ganz anderes, ihr seid gern gesehen!
„Locals“ sind Studierende, die neuen Internationalen Studierenden ihre Hilfe anbieten möchten wollen und sich gut in Braunschweig/Deutschland auskennen 😊
Der Link zum Meeting wird euch per Mail kurz vorher zugeschickt.

Welcome to the Erasmus Student Network Braunschweig e.V. (ESN). ✨
In this workshop we will give you an overview of who we are and what the Buddy Program is. You will find out what potential tasks are, which cool events you can take part in, how much time you need to bring with you and who can help you with any questions. 🎉
Whether you are a TU, HBK. Ostfalia student, doctoral student, already a young professional or something completely different, you are welcome!
“Locals” are students who want to offer their help to new international students and know their way around Braunschweig/Germany 😊
The link to the online meeting will be send to you via email shorty before the workshop starts

Note! By taking part in this event, you agree that we take photos or videos during the event, which we may use for our social media channels or our website. If you do not want this, please tell us right at the beginning of the event!

** A refund is possible until 36h before the event begins! **

Like to get an ESN-Card? 💸
Good idea! Visit our online shop! Afterwards, we'll bring it to the next event.

Where does the event happen? Online

When does the event happen?
Add to Calendar


Ticket (ESNcard holder)

Choose this ticket if you have a valid ESNcard to receive the discounted/free price :).

49 currently available


Ticket (without ESNcard)

Choose this ticket if you DON'T have an ESNcard :(. If you would like to get a card, check out our online store.

49 currently available
