Willkommen zurück in Braunschweig, liebe Homecomings! 😁
Dein Erasmus-Semester neigt sich dem Ende zu, und du siehst der Heimreise mit gemischten Gefühlen entgegen? Bist du bereits zurück in Braunschweig, fühlst dich aber noch nicht ganz angekommen? Oder vielleicht liegt dein Erasmus-Abenteuer schon länger zurück, und du erinnerst dich immer noch gern an die unvergessliche Zeit?
Egal, wo du gerade stehst – wir laden dich herzlich zu unserem Homecoming Coffee Talk ☕ ein! Wir möchten mit euch über eure schönsten Auslandserlebnisse und den umgekehrten Kulturschock quatschen.
Wir freuen uns auf dich und deine Geschichten! 🥳
Welcome back to Braunschweig, dear Homecomings! 😁
Your Erasmus semester is coming to an end and you have mixed feelings about going home? Are you already back in Braunschweig, but don't feel like you've fully arrived yet? Or maybe your Erasmus adventure was a long time ago and you still have fond memories of the unforgettable time?
No matter where you are right now - we cordially invite you to our Homecoming Coffee Talk ☕! We'd like to chat with you about your best experiences abroad and reverse culture shock.
We look forward to hearing you and your stories! 🥳

Note! By taking part in this event, you agree that we take photos or videos during the event, which we may use for our social media channels or our website. If you do not want this, please tell us right at the beginning of the event!

** A refund is possible until 36h before the event begins! **

Like to get an ESN-Card? 💸
Good idea! Visit our online shop! Afterwards, we'll bring it to the next event.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Juan & Jane (Handelsweg 11)

When does the event happen?
Add to Calendar


Ticket (ESNcard holder)

Choose this ticket if you have a valid ESNcard to receive the discounted/free price :).

1 currently available


Ticket (without ESNcard)

Choose this ticket if you DON'T have an ESNcard :(. If you would like to get a card, check out our online store.

1 currently available
