As part of the Welcome Week, we invite you to go bowling with us. This is your chance to get to know your fellow international students and compete in some fun rounds of bowling. We'll be waiting for you with our ESN-flag and make sure you have a great evening.
The ticket already includes the costs for two rounds of bowling and bowling shoes.
Please don't forget to bring cash for drinks, it's not possible to pay by card.
Als Teil unserer Welcome Week laden wir dich ein, mit uns bowlen zu gehen. Hier hast du die Chance deine internationalen Mitstudierenden Kennenzulernen und dich mit ihnen in ein paar spannenden Bowling Runden zu messen. Wir warten mit unserer ESN Flagge auf dich und sorgen dafür, dass du einen tollen Abend hast.
Das Ticket beinhaltet zwei Bowling Runden und die Gebühr für Leihschuhe.
Bitte bring Bargeld mit, da eine Kartenzahlung für Getränke und Ähnliches nicht möglich ist.
Important: This event is held indoors so it is a 3G event. That means, you need to be vaccinated, recovered, or you need to present an official negative antigen test less than 24 hours old! Self-tests are not allowed.
Note! By taking part in this event, you agree that we take photos or videos during the event, which we may use for our social media channels or our website. If you do not want this, please tell us right at the beginning of the event!
What's that with the ESN card?
- Discounts for RyanAir, Hostelling International, Flixbus (worldwide)
- Discounts for Swapfiets, Greifhaus, Black Mission Area (Braunschweig)
- all ESN Braunschweig Events discounted (depending on the event)
Check here the worldwide discounts: https://esncard.org/discover.
Don't you have a card? The costs are just 10 Euros 💸.
Do you want an ESN Card? Good idea! Visit our online shop and buy one! Afterwards, send us an email (braunschweig@esn-germany.de) so that we bring your card to this event.
Where does the event happen? City Bowling Center (Wallstraße 1-3, 38100 Braunschweig)
When does the event happen?
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